What To Wear

Clothes List
The following are recommended:

Soft holdall type bag (not hard Samsonite type bag)
Jeans / riding trousers x 3
Long sleeved cotton shirt x 4
Shorts and T-shirts
Warm jersey / Fleece
Lightweight jacket
Gym shoes / flip-flops
Chaps or half chaps – optional
Riding gloves
Sun hat / Baseball cap x 2
Waterproof mac / Poncho
Optional foot ware for riding
Swimming Costume


Malaria pills (Malerone recommended)
Emergency pack of essentials in your hand luggage, especially any vital medication, etc
Sun block
Penknife / Bottle opener
Holiday reading
Water Bottle
Mosquito Repellent
Camera and Film
Head torch
Money belt or Cotton Waist Coat
Sun glasses
First aid kit


Sheets and blankets
Soap and towels
Saddle bags
*Laundry will be done on non-moving days therefore luggage should be kept to a minimum.

Internal flights have a weight allowance of maximum 15 kg.